Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Strawberry Singh Movie Poster Meme 2016

Strawberry Singh has created a new monday meme, once again ... a revisit.
Meme instructions: Create a movie poster for your Second Life Avatar or SLife. You can base it off an original movie poster or think of a completely new idea of your own! 

Since I'd already created a Lara Croft look, naturally Tomb Raider seemed the most apporpriate.

Details here:

Strawberry Singh Yearbook Rezz Day Meme 2016

Strawberry Singh started a new meme, but it's actually a revisit to a previous meme.  
Meme instructions: Take a yearbook style image of your Second Life avatar and add it to the Second Life Yearbook Flickr Group. You can also write your rezday at the bottom of the image so we know when you joined. 

Here's my entry.